Notice for Review Requests

I receive review requests weekly. However, my personal schedule is hectic and I no longer review actively. (I also manage another blog called The Toronto Cafe and Food Blog). I do read every request sent but I apologize in advance that I do not reply to them all.

If I do take on a request, I will forewarn that it may take some time before I can review it. I am now looking to review adult fiction and self-help books instead of young adult fiction because I have grown out of it. If you are to request a review for either adult fiction or self-help, I will more likely to give it a shot.

In the meantime, Stop, Drop, and Read! serves as an archive book review blog. When I have the time, I may post a review. Thank you for understanding.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Blog! Dedicated to Toronto Cafes!

Hello my lovelies. I would like to announce that I have created a new review blog! I created The Toronto Cafe Blog just a couple of days ago and is most excited to get it fully running! 

I know a majority of my readers are U.S. based and won't be familiar with the Toronto area, but for the few out there that does live somewhere in or near Toronto, this blog would be great for those who would like to try out some cafes in the city.

I am very eager to get my cafe blog up-to-date (with over 30 reviews pending because I have visited so many cafes this past year and only decided on making the blog now!). I honestly haven't been this eager since I first started Stop, Drop, and Read! This will be a new journey for me, especially since I will be reviewing in a different perspective and be trying something new. I want to try to integrate the Toronto community and learn more about this amazing city as much as I can. I hope you will follow me through my cafe adventures and maybe be able to go to one of these cafes yourself!

Of course, I won't stop with Stop, Drop, and Read! because I do intend to post whenever I get the chance. Upcoming review is Speechless by Hannah Harrington and I will post it on Twitter once it's up!

So please check out and follow/like/share/etc The Toronto Cafe Blog! :D You guys are amazing!

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