Author: Laini Taylor
Age Group: Teens
# of Pages: 441
My Rating: 5/5
In a world full of magic and faeries, there lurks evil.
Whisper is the last of the Silksinger clan after her grandparents have sacrificed themselves so she could escape demons that were chasing after them. She is now the guardian of Azazel, one of the Djinn (similar to a god) who created the world. But he is now only a magical stone, contained in a small, old kettle that Whisper holds onto with her dear life. She must reach Nazneen so she can place Azazel in the temple so he can resurrect himself again. But the journey is not an easy one as demons pursue Whisper continuously to get hold of the powerful being.
During her travel, she encounters the kind but secretive Hirik. Little does she know he too is seeking Azazel. Being a Mothmage, he is discriminated against; so he dreams of clearing his clan's name by becoming champion.
Magpie Windwitch is champion of Magruwen, searching for Whisper frantically. She has to get to her before the demons do. If not, the whole world will fall apart in the hands of the demons' cunning and ancient Master. But who will get to Whisper first?
In the beginning, I was a little confused. Since I was given the second book in the series to review before reading the first, I had to catch up with the terminology. Therefore, I was not really into the story for the first fifty pages. But once I grasped what was going on, I was instantly dragged into this magical tale of wonder. I refused to sleep into I reached the end.
Set in a world that is nothing like ours, there are creatures of light and dark. Each indiviual is one of their own. The overall idea is good vs. evil, where the bad guys are trying to take over everything. But, the plot is more complex than that.
I absolutely love the characters. You either love them or you hate them. They are very dynamic and full of energy. When the good guys loses, you cry. When the bad guys escape, you scream in frustration. The world and its people are so vivid that they might as well be real. Why aren't they real?
Dreamdark: Silksinger is like an amazing rollercoaster ride. At the start, it will be a little slow as it crawls upwards because you are still trying to understand everything (especially if you have not yet read the previous novel). Then when you finally grasp it all, you stop right at the top of the ride. After, you fall down to the most amazing twists and turns of the ride without a stop. Once it's over, you just want to do it again!
I am for sure going to look for the first book in the series, Dreamdark: Blackbringer. Fans of Lords of the Rings will definitely enjoy this novel. And those who love fantasy and skillfully crafted creatures. Laini Taylor is an author everyone should be looking forward to. Dreamdark: Silksinger will be out on September 2009.
Review copy provided by Book Divas.
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