Title: FearscapeAuthor: Simon Holt
Age Group: Teens
# of Pages: 314
My Rating: 4/5
Reggie is stuck as an experiment rat when the Vours managed to get a hold of her. She is forced to go into many fearscapes and can barely survive the horrors she must endure as well the lack of care she is given.
Meanwhile, everyday Aaron searches for new information and trains himself to become stronger. He teams up with Machen, a Tracer who once tried to kill Reggie but switched sides when he saw there were some hope in defeating the Vours. Quinn, who got out of his fearscape after so longer, is trying to adjust to his new life and understand what had happened to him. The three of them work together in order to rescue Reggie and help her defeat the Vours for once and for all.
If you have read my previous reviews for the first two novels of this trilogy, you would know that I absolutely love The Devouring. I was really excited when I bought Fearscape and was dying to know the ending. My expectations were unfortunately not met.
For the first few chapters, Reggie was stuck in a state where she kept going into different fearscapes. I didn't find it to be as exciting when she had to face the problem straight on, like in the previous novels. I got to read more of Aaron, who was changing as well as the new Quinn. I have to say, I was disappointed with the new Quinn. Obviously since the Vour is not longer within him, he is innocent and normal. However, I always liked that Vour side of him. So seeing him being a regular guy, it didn't give me the same excitement like it did in Soulstice. It would've been interesting to see a love interest between the Vour and Reggie. I know I am generally against forbidden paranormal love, but this series is so twisted that I wanted to see it play out.
[SOME SPOILERS] The way the story ended altogether, it didn't let me close the book happily because I wanted to see justice served. Although the villain was indeed defeated, it just sucked in general to know that the Vours would always be there. I was reading and waiting for them to be defeated completely and for that they would never come back. But I guess the way the story was made, it would've been unrealistic. [SPOILERS END]
However, the book still kept me going and in general, since I love the series altogether, Fearscape got its rating. At least there was some sort of conclusion, even if it wasn't one that made me too happy.
And PS, who here is not a big fan of the cover model also? His face is so squared and unnaturally pale... (Well suited for a vampire).