Notice for Review Requests

I receive review requests weekly. However, my personal schedule is hectic and I no longer review actively. (I also manage another blog called The Toronto Cafe and Food Blog). I do read every request sent but I apologize in advance that I do not reply to them all.

If I do take on a request, I will forewarn that it may take some time before I can review it. I am now looking to review adult fiction and self-help books instead of young adult fiction because I have grown out of it. If you are to request a review for either adult fiction or self-help, I will more likely to give it a shot.

In the meantime, Stop, Drop, and Read! serves as an archive book review blog. When I have the time, I may post a review. Thank you for understanding.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Quid Pro Quo by Vicki Grant

Title: Quid Pro Quo
Author: Vicki Grant
Age Group: Teens
# of Pages: 160
My Rating: 5/5

To have a mother that ran away from home at a young age and had you when she was only fifteen, imagine what kind of life you would have now if you are only fourteen at the moment.

Well, for Cyril MacIntyre, it is a tough one. His single mother, Andy, drags him to her law school classes every night and forces him to help her study in their smoky kitchen until morning. He couldn't be more proud after she graduated from law school considering that she used to be an ex-street kid.

All was well until one day Andy didn't come home for awhile. Cyril panics. Why in the world would his mother go missing?? He thought his life was crap before but this is ridiculous! Asides just female and self-esteem problems, he has to add legal problems to his list now!

This book is absolutely hilarious. I re-read this novel many times and I don't get tired of it. The characters are all unique in their own way and has a good part to play in the story. You don't need to know law to understand it because every chapter title has a definition of a law word that describes that chapter. If you are looking for some comedy, try out this book!

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