Notice for Review Requests

I receive review requests weekly. However, my personal schedule is hectic and I no longer review actively. (I also manage another blog called The Toronto Cafe and Food Blog). I do read every request sent but I apologize in advance that I do not reply to them all.

If I do take on a request, I will forewarn that it may take some time before I can review it. I am now looking to review adult fiction and self-help books instead of young adult fiction because I have grown out of it. If you are to request a review for either adult fiction or self-help, I will more likely to give it a shot.

In the meantime, Stop, Drop, and Read! serves as an archive book review blog. When I have the time, I may post a review. Thank you for understanding.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trailer Tuesday: Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

Title: Pretty Little Liars
Author: Sara Shepard
Description: Four friends, all with secrets. An anonymous person threatens to reveal them all. Does it relate to the disappearance of one of their friends four years ago?

I have read the first two novels and I loved them! I'm slowly reading through the series so hopefully I will finish it. I haven't seen the show so I can't really comment on it but the novel should be checked out for sure!

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The Lovely Reader said...

I just started watching this series. Thanks for posting about it :) I wanted to let you know that I have an award for you at my blog :)

cindysloveofbooks said...

Diana I have been watching the series now and absolutely love it. I went and got the first three books and I am reading them now.

wdebo said...

I've only read the first two also! Haha. Well, as for the show the pilot was kind of a disappointment...the second one got better, but I still hope it gets even better, I had such high hopes for it. And I am seriously angry about the cast...NONE of them matched the book...well except for Mia (ahh how do you spell her name?) I guess.