There is a contest to win a cute t-shirt of Never Slow Dance With A Zombie and some signed bookmarks! Scroll down below for details!
If you want to learn more about E., please visit: www.evanlowe.com. If you subscribe to his site, you will be able to read his new novel, I Want You Back!, for free! He will start releasing chapters around Christmas!
What inspired you to write Never Slow Dance With A Zombie?
I had been writing for TV for quite a few years and knew that I wanted to write a YA novel. I love both vampires and zombies, and since there were so many vampire novels, I chose zombies. Who knew (three years ago) that there would a literary zombie uprising?
Why is it that you decided to write in a girl's perspective opposing to a male's? Do you consider it harder or easier to write the opposite gender? Why?
I had been reading a lot of YA when I decided to write a novel. Everything I was reading at the time was from a girl's POV. So, I knew I was going to write as a girl. I don't know how it happened, but even in my scripts I write from a female POV most of the time. It feels natural to me. Back in college I wrote for romance and confession magazines--all female POVs. So, I guess it started back then. I don't consider it easier or harder. I do find women more interesting. The emotions in my characters are emotions I feel intimately: wanting love, feeling betrayed, etc. The emotional makeup of my characters is neither male nor female.
What do you find is the easiest part of writing? And the hardest?
The easiest part is coming up with fun, funny, adventurous situations to put my characters in. I can entertain myself all day doing this. The hardest part is everything else. But I LOVE it all. I wouldn't trade what I do for anything.
What other genres are you thinking about expanding your writing to, asides comedy and zombies?
I've just completed my third novel, and I am currently writing a novella, I Want You Back! Everything is about teen girls with elements of the paranormal and some comedy. The later books have romance in them. The novel I just completed, Hollyweird, has a very strong romantic element, too, and it's darker. It features all the elements found in the first, I think it's just more grown up. Hopefully, I am getting better as a novelist.
What is your favourite zombie movie and zombie novel?
My favorite zombie movie is 28 Days Later & Shaun of The Dead. I know, I chose two. I love them both. Hmm, zombie novel. I haven't yet read a bunch that have come out this year like: Breathers and Zombie Queen of Newbury High. So, I need to get back to you on that one. I read Patient Zero this past spring. It was pretty good.
What is your number one survival tip on living through a zombie apocalypse?
When you see a zombie coming--run!
Lastly, please give us an interesting fact about yourself that many do not know of!
I like to dance. I don't know if that's interesting, but it's definitely something I don't tell my buddies. LOL. I look at So You Think You Can Dance? and think "I think I can dance, but not like them!" LOL.

One winner will get a large t-shirt of Never Slow Dance With A Zombie and some signed bookmarks! Yes, the size is only large at the moment but it'll be a comfy t-shirt to sleep in!
Answer the following to be entered. NO ANSWER, NO ENTRY!
+1 What is your favourite zombie movie or book?
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+1 For every site you link to. Give me direct links! No links, no entries! 5 max!
This contest is open to international readers and it will be closed on December 19, 2009!