I personally have never read The Dark Divine by Bree Despain yet but when I was given the opportunity to give away some adorable nailpolishes, I couldn't resist! There will be 2 winners!
To enter: (Please have everything in one comment in the post)
+1 Answer: Do you forgive easily? MANDATORY FOR ENTERING
+2 new follower through Google Friend Connect
+3 old follower through Google Friend Connect
+2 add Stop, Drop, and Read! to your blog list (link)
+2 for every time you link the contest (link)
+3 If you tell me a story about yourself which deals with forgiveness
This contest is open to US and Canadian addresses only (sorry international friends, I can't afford it!). Contest will end on March 31/10.
+1 Yes, I do.
+3 old follower
+2 added you on my blog list link
+2 twitter
Thanks for this contest:)
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy CANADA!! 8D
+1 Nope, not at all. I'm an awful, grudge-holding person.
+3 old follower
+2 blog list http://galnovelty.blogspot.com
+2 tweet link: http://twitter.com/wingstodust/status/10079524344
+2 sidebar link:
Answer: unfortunately, I do not forgive easily. If someone is mean to me or wrongs me in some way, I find it extremely hard to just forget it and go on like nothing happened.
I'm an old follower through Google Friend Connect.
I added you to my blog list here: www.thedoortowonderland.blogspot.com.
I linked to your contest on my blog's right sidebar and on Twitter.
www.thedoortowonderland.blogspot.com and http://twitter.com/Door2Wonderland/status/10085121317.
Thanks for the contest and entries!
+1--It depends. If somebody just annoys me, then whatever, I don't really care too badly. If they really are hurtful, though, I won't forgive them easily.
+3: Old follower :)
+2: Is it plus two if you've already been on it??
+3: My best friend happens to be a guy. We used to date, and for a time, it looked like we would again. Then I found out he had a girl friend...and had for three months. We talked every night on the phone, but he neglected to mention that. It took me a long time to forgive him for that; I think that forgiveness, in cases like that, still can't replace the trust you lose.
Hmm, that was kind of bungled. I hope it made sense, lol.
grr... submitted too early... need sleep... lol
+1 it may seem that way on the outside... but I'm a silent fumer... for the most part anyway...
+3 'old' google follower
+1 No, I don't forgive easily
+3 Old follower
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
+1 It depends. I have my dad's temper so I get really pissed, but I cool off quickly. I forgive, but I don't forget.
+3 old follower
+2 add you to my blog roll here: http://www.goodbooksandgoodwine.com/2010/02/blog-roll.html
+2 sidebar - http://www.goodbooksandgoodwine.com
+2 tweeted - http://twitter.com/booksandwine/statuses/10104316723
+1 Depends on the deed. A simple sentence can tick me off for long time. At the same time, I might not be angry at all if you completely forgot to pick me up after school. Now, if I were stuck at the school for the entire night... well, it would take a while before I let that go.
+3 old follower
I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D
1+ Yes, I do.
3+ old follower
3+ my story.
My family was doing this thing at our house and we had familys over to do it and one of the family had a son that was about my age and he and I got into a fight and we didn't see each other for long time( about 6 year)and all of this time, I couldn't forgive him at all but I had to work with HIM on a photography job and he was nicer now and he forgotten all about the fight so I just forgive him and we became friends again. :D So yes, forgiving is VERY important, you can miss
out on all of thing by not forgiving like i did.:P
+1 No, I hold grudges for quite a while.
+2 new follower
+1 Answer: Sometimes i do, depending on the situation.
+3 old follower through Google Friend Connect
+2 for every time you link the contest
- http://twitter.com/sk8ergirl7
Thank you!
I do forgive easily but it took years of learning. It is so much easier to forgive and healthier too.
New follower....dor
A story of forgiveness.
I remember being very angry at someone for hurting me and I was angry for years. I decided to forgive in my heart and it felt like I let go of 50 pounds.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
+1 I easily forgive
+2 old follower through google friend connect
+1 Yes, I forgive easily
+2 new follower
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
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