The Borrowed

A Little Friendly Advice by Siobhan Vivian
Raven by Allison Van Diepen
Shaman King vol. 20 (not shown)
The Bought
The Received

One Lonely Degree by C.K. Kelly Martin and swag
Candor by Pam Bachorz
A Little Friendly Advice by Siobhan Vivian
Raven by Allison Van Diepen
Shaman King vol. 20 (not shown)
The Bought
The Received
One Lonely Degree by C.K. Kelly Martin and swag
Candor by Pam Bachorz
Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying the bash! Please tell more people about it if you can! There are going to be five new authors joining us this week! Who are they? Well, just stick around and find out yourself!
I apologize to my manga followers! I already have a couple of reviews done but they won't be up until after the bash! I'm sorry about that!
I want to thank a couple of people for the blog awards they have given me. First, Alex and Lauren from A Flight of Minds! They said to take any award I want but I'm not going to. Thanks anyway! And Liz for the Lemonade Award! Thanks guys!
Congrats on your awards!
Happy reading! Candor and O.L.D both sound great and that swag looks awesome! :)
Great books. I'm looking forward to Candor.
I'm lovin' the bash. The post are really enjoyable to read. It was a great idea and I'm looking forward to next week!
Happy Reading!
SWAG!!! :D
One Lonely Degree swag! Fun stuff! :D Definitely enjoying the bash! Glad you know about the awards too. :)
- Alex
Go awards! Great swag! Happy reading this week!
Thanks guys! xD
Here's to your celebration!
Awesome stuff you got this week. Hope you enjoy reading the books you got.
Thank you!
hey! i have an award for you on my blog!
great blog i love it!
are you mia ikumi? I am a big fan! i love you! I am 12 and reed tokyo mew mew. do you speek swedish. I liv in sweden. can you do a tokyo mew mew a la mode 3?
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