August, 1540, Hampton Court Palace, England
Our new queen does look a pretty thing in that gown, all velvet and jeweled and royal purple. She does sparkle, this little Catherine Howard does, I will say that for her. But I’ve seen the ones who’ve come and gone before her, and I don’t know where all these rounds of dancing and banqueting will lead unless—may the Lord bless us so—she already have a prince lying in wait in her belly. Surely Henry thinks of this when he looks at her; he is our old lusty king Hal again, after years of sourness and dismay. A bit rounder than he was in younger years, of course, for nothing pairs so well with dismay as unwatered wine and an extra pudding or two, but that is not for me to worry about. Let little Catherine figure how to make the great king happy; I am content to watch from the shadows.
The young queen twirls on the dance floor, that wide gown swishing around her and her bodice and fingers all a-twinkle with gems. I am only a servant here, a cook’s helper no less. But I will tell you this: I would not dally with this king for all the velvet and jewels in the world, not with all of Henry’s dead ghost-wives nipping like dogs at my heels. I can see them all in the hall right now: the first Catherine is blowing out candles, Jane Seymour plucks a sour note on a lute string, Anne Boleyn rakes her fingernails across the tapestries. Little Catherine does not see them, no, not yet. Her eyes are blinded by diamonds. But if ghosts don’t take her down, the living will. They surround her, too, smiling, always smiling, with eyes like those I see on dead fish.
May she fill a bassinet with a red-haired Tudor babe, Amen. A son, of course, Amen, again to that—and may she be so lucky as to live to tell the tale. Luckier than all the rest before her. Amen.

And Alisa is awesome enough to take a snapshot of congratulations! Thank you!
Prize(s): A signed copy of the King's Rose OR The Blood Confession T-shirt
# of Winners: 2
Eligibility: US
How to get entries: (please put keep it in the format below when you comment!)
+1 New follower
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I love historical fiction!
I would like a copy of the King's Rose
+2 I'm an old follower (actually i'm young, haha my poor attempt at humor :)
Oooo, that sounds bloody brilliant. I love all the old-England-history. *is a dork*
Copy of The King's Rose
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+2 Old Follower
+1 Linked (WORD for Teens Contest Page)
sounds great! Will definitely have to look for this one... that is, if I don't win it! (I like both, though... ;-))
+1 comment
+2 old follower (why does saying that always make me feel OLD? lol)
I would love to win The King's Rose(:
+1- comment
+2- old follower
Great Contests!
+1 I would love a copy of The King's Rose
+2 Old Follower
Just wanted to let you know I just gave you an award =)
Awesome contest, thanks! I would like the copy of King's Rose.
+2 old follower
+1 Comment The book sounds great! Please enter me!
+2 Old follower
+1 I would love to win The King's Rose.
+1 New follower.
+1 Blogged: http://www.morbid-romantic.net/2009/08/13/book-giveaways-08-10-08-16/.
+1 I would like the book.
+1 new follower
Jolynn_Reads @yahoo dot com
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres and I would so love to win this!
+1 comment
+1 I am a new follower (well, am not REALLY new, will turn 52 soon --- argh :P ) lol
That sounds good.
Diana you have a award
I'd love to be entered for the book!
+1 comment
+2 old follower
+1 linking this contest on my blog sidebar
Thanks for the chance to win!
And...I forgot to list my email address. It's celialarsen(at)gmail(dot)com
I would love to entered to win either - I absolutely loooovvvveee historical fiction!
+1 comment
+2 Old follower
:) Erica
I'd like either. They both sound great!
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+1 Comment
+1 New follower
+1 Linking this contest at a blog in pulseit http://pulseit.simonandschuster.com/_1st-blogoversary/blog/513482/107649.html
+1 I would like to be entered for The King's Rose
+2 Old follower
Ooh, ooh, ooh! I would love to win a copy of the King's Rose. I really enjoy reading Tudor fiction.
+1 Comment
+1 New follower
I would love a copy of the King's Rose
+1 comment
+1 new follower
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Ahhhh! I want to win the King's Rose sooooooooooo bad! Please, please, please, enter me!
Okay pleading over now, I promise. :)
+1 Please enter me for the King's Rose
+2 Old follower through Bloglines
+1 Linked this contest at my blog:http://theshadyglade.blogspot.com/2009/08/contest-roundup-august-17th.html
I would love to read the book as it sounds awesome! (The tee sounds great too, but I haven't read the book yet.)
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+1 New follower
+1 comment
+1 New Follower
+1 linked: http://biki209.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!88898F4A49C6F88D!371.entry
+1 I would like to enter for both
+1 new follower
+1 tweet
I would love to win a copy of The King's Rose.
+1 Comment
+2 Old follower
+1 added to sidebar
OOOHHH! Exciting! I would love to win Preferably this book, but please enter me in the t-shirt contest too
+1 Comment
+1 New follower
+1 I Linked this contest on my blog
What an exciting picture!
I would love a copy of The King's Rose
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+1 new follower
+1 linked on sidebar
+1 Commenting
+1 New follower
+1 Linked to contests in blog post: http://ninjafanpire.blogspot.com/2009/08/contests_15.html
I'd love a copy of The King's Rose! Historical fiction is so much fun to read.
+1 Comment
+1 New follower
+1 Linking this contest once somewhere else around the web. My sidebar:
I would love to read either one :-)
I am a new follower.
I want to read The King's Rose sooo bad!
+1 comment. I want The King's Rose
+2 old follower
+1 Linked to sidebar: http://thebookpixie.blogspot.com/
You know what I did my last day in England? That's right, I went to Hampton Court. Cost me 12 pounds to get there, but I did it.
I'd like to be entered to win THE KING'S ROSE.
+1 Comment
+2 Old Follower
inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com
I'm a sucker for historical fiction. I'd love to be entered for this contest!(for both, that is)
+2 I'm an old follower
+1 And this is up on my sidebar!
Thanks for the contest!
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com
I'm Ecstatic about this Contest!
Email: i_yamileth_h_11(at)hotmail(dot)com
+1 Comment
+2 Old follower
+1 Linking this contest once somewhere else around the web
I would love to be entered to win a copy of The King's Rose. It sounds really good.
+1 comment
+2 follower
I would love a copy of The King's Rose
+1 Comment
Shawna Lewis
+1 I twetted http://twitter.com/theblindcupid/status/3520282867
Shawna Lewis
I am a old follower
Shawna Lewis
I would love the book for I haven't read it and would love to do so.
Shawna Lewis
+1 Thanks for this chance to win
Smiles & Winks ;o) Shawna
+1 I already have a copy of The King's Rose :D Please just count me in for the t-shirt (my sister loved The Blood Confession!!) Thank you!
+2 I'm an old follower
thanks!! :)
+1 please enter me. I would love to win The King's Rose
+1 I'd love The King's Rose.
+1 New follower
+1 Blogged:
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
+1 Please enter me for the signed copy of "The King's Rose"
+1 New follower
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
+1 comment
+2 follower
I'd really like the King's Rose!
Please count me in! I'd love to win the book, or the shirt, I'd like to be entered for both. Thanks.
+1 comment
+1 new follower
I'd love to be entered for both please!
+1 Comment
+2 Old follower
+1 sidebar:
I didn't know she'd written THe Blood Confesion--now I know she's written two books about two of the historical periods/people I found most interesting...I'll definitely have to check them out!!!
I'd like to be entered for either
+1 for commenting
+1 for following (apparently I wasn't already no matter how much I thought so)
Blair W
Thank you for this chance to win this book!! Sign me up for both please!!!
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+1 I twetted http://twitter.com/booksrmysoul/status/3893457789
3 points
+1. commenting
+2 old follower
+1 posted about it in my blog
Cassandra Conley
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